Brand Asset Management (BAM) is a process of organizing and sharing branded content such as logos, graphics, images and videos in an organized way. It involves the creation of guidelines for how to use these assets and making sure that they remain consistent across all channels.

The importance of BAM lies in its ability to build brand loyalty by ensuring that all branded content is properly used and distributed. It allows businesses to maintain a unified brand identity and enables them to leverage their existing assets across multiple channels.

That’s a somewhat formal definition. But the meat of the matter here is that a brand’s assets are its individuality. From a well-managed repository housing these assets right, a creative team can be consistent in how they bring that brand to life in every piece of content created and distributed  – thus reinforcing that brand identity, whenever the need arises.

And the only way to achieve this is through competent BAM.

Let’s unpack that here.

The Problem With Traditional Brand Asset Management

Traditional methods of managing brand assets can be cumbersome and inefficient – in a word, chaotic – resulting in delays in getting content published and out into the market. What’s more, traditional methods of brand asset management often fail to protect the assets and limit their ability to be leveraged throughout an organization. As a result, brands can suffer from inconsistent messages, wasted resources, and a drain in the efficiency of output.

The Control and Compliance With Modern Brand Asset Management

BAM is a way to ensure that businesses use the right images, logos, and other elements of their brand correctly. This is a vital process – it helps businesses protect their brand identity and stay compliant with any laws or regulations they must follow. To ensure control and compliance, modern BAM includes creating guidelines for how the company’s assets can be used, using technology to track how they are accessed by stakeholders, as well as providing training on proper usage.

And that technology is woven into a business’s operational structure via Digital Asset Management (DAM).

The Role of DAM in BAM

DAM solutions also allow users to customize their content based on usage scenarios, such as size, format and destination. This way, companies can increase the visibility of their brand assets while ensuring that all uses conform to corporate standards. With the right DAM tools in place, organizations can gain greater control over how their digital assets are used, making sure that they remain secure and compliant with any applicable regulations. Ultimately, this means a stronger brand identity for your business and more effective communication with customers. 

Simply put, by leveraging digital asset management tools to manage your organization’s brand assets, you can take control of your company’s message while remaining compliant with data privacy laws.

How to Leverage Your Brand Asset Management for Better Results

BAM helps businesses create a strong identity for their customers and stakeholders by providing them with a unified visual representation of their brand. It also allows organizations to set up efficient workflows for creating, managing, distributing, and tracking usage rights of their brand assets as well as monitor how those assets are being used in different channels like websites or social media platforms.

Here’s how to better leverage BAM for better results.

Invest in competent BAM software

To reap the benefits of BAM, businesses should invest in software tools designed specifically for this purpose. This software makes storing and organizing your brand assets easier so you don’t have to search through multiple folders or databases when you need something specific. Additionally, many BAM tools come with features like automated approvals processes or analytics dashboards so you can see how your branding strategies are performing over time.

Use your brand assets consistently

Once you have invested in software for managing your brand assets, make sure they are used consistently across all channels and platforms. This will help strengthen your company’s overall brand identity and make sure customers recognize you – brand recognition can be so powerful, it could deem traditional, pricier marketing requirements null and void, effectively minimizing effort in advertising endeavors. But only if asset distribution and sharing are done right, and again, consistently.

Watch your competitors closely

When leveraging your BAM system, it is important to keep an eye on what your competitors are doing as well. Pay attention to how they are presenting themselves visually in their advertising campaigns and other materials so you can use this knowledge when creating your own. This will help you stay one step ahead and ensure your materials are more unique and attention-grabbing than those of your competitors.

Why Your Business Needs Brand Asset Management

The importance of BAM cannot be overstated – it’s a crucial business function that helps ensure consistency across all communications and marketing platforms. With it firmly baked into an organization’s functions, company assets meet high-quality standards to properly represent the business, maintain trust with customers and drive sales growth. BAM systems also make it easier for the marketer to find the correct files quickly when creating campaigns or other tasks requiring branded content. Simply, BAM provides better control over how brand assets are used. This includes setting user access levels and tracking assets to ensure legal compliance. Access control also improves security by preventing unauthorized use of said brand assets.

And finally, BAM eliminates manual processes associated with creating branded materials from scratch every time they are needed. This saves businesses time, money and a host of other resources that could have been spent elsewhere. Additionally, by having a centralized system for managing digital assets, companies have better control over who has access to their branding elements, so security is not compromised.

Is your business benefitting from BAM – the essential tool for businesses looking to manage their brand assets effectively and efficiently? Do you have consistency across all platforms, better control over how assets are used and because of this, unbreakable trust with customers? 

If not, your business’s creative force is at risk, so come to globaledit now. Click here to sign up and find out more.