Introducing Digital Asset Management for Designers

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Woman Holding A Binder

The phenomenon of digital transformation has about 40% of companies wanting in on the automation of graphic design processes. Why? Because another 40% of creatives spend about a full day per week on admin-related tasks.

Sound accurate?

For designers and design teams, you’ll know that a single day could’ve been used to refocus on more important projects and increase the ability to keep up with the constant demand for high-level content.

You’ll also relate to the fact that being bombarded with requests for new designs, edits, and changes – can leave a deteriorating effect on your creative juices.

We’ll bet that bottlenecks and ineffective system processes are only some of the reasons why you’re struggling to scale design assets and workflows for that high-quality output.

But what if we were to tell you that you no longer need to imagine a world of centralized and organized assets, structured workflows, cohesive teamwork and real-time edits? 

In the evolving era of tech – allow us to introduce digital asset management (DAM) for graphic designers.

DAM is a creative asset management tool that has been developed by creatives for creatives – to help scale and manage the asset creation process so that there’s more freedom for creation and innovation.

Let’s explore a little further, shall we?

Why is DAM important for designers?

Digital asset management software is a centralized platform that creatives, designers, and creative businesses use to store, sort and manage their digital, visual and creative assets.   

It’s a one-truth repository for all your designs, graphics, images, illustrations, videos and more. 

So, if you’re currently using a filing system with a naming convention that looks a little like this:






You can probably already sense what we’re about to tell you – it’s time for an upgrade.

What are the benefits of DAM software for design teams?

Graphic designers play an essential role in the creation of visual and marketing assets.

While the marketing team might be writing the content for that digital asset pre-distribution, the onus really lies on the designer to produce a beautiful image or video to go with- or even without that text. Whichever works best in the end.

Visuals have become so important, that posts with images generate 650% higher engagement than those without images on social media.

Now, imagine having a DAM system that intrinsically coordinates creative materials and streamlines workflows. An integrated asset library that’s filled and sorted with high-quality digital assets – ready to be repurposed at any given time.

Your client engagement will be through the roof!

Sales engagement is just one of the benefits that DAM solutions can offer. Here are some others:


  • Productivity and creativity boosts
  •  Enhance your brand’s reputation (they say a good design accounts for 75% of a website’s credibility)
  • Effective collaboration among designers and teams
  • Streamlined, structured, and organized workflows
  • More time and reduced costs

What features does digital asset management offer designers?

Digital asset management for graphic designers has a wide variety of features that’ll help prevent that admin-snowball effect – and give back more than that one day of capacity.  

Simply store, find and share

Easily store digital assets by creating your own unique search terms to be able to quickly find and share assets with custom metadata.

Customized Collections

Create collections of your favorite templates and fonts that you use on a regular basis.

Real-time edits and approvals

Annotate directly on the assets in the asset library that’ll give live notifications to team members or collaborators. You can also request instant approvals to speed up the GTM times.

Get the right version out 

Make sure that you’re working on the most recent version of assets by being able to compare versions side-by-side.

Unlimited and secure storage

Don’t worry about running out of storage – ever. DAM has secure cloud-based storage solutions, which means that you can save hundreds and thousands of assets without compromising their safety. The sky is your limit.

Smart API Integrations

Constantly switching between multiple software to design, communicate and distribute? Forget it. Integrate your most used channels and apps, like AdobePhotoshop and Slack onto the DAM software. 

Creative Project Tracking

Add structure to your daily workflows by assigning project tasks with deadlines. DAM has a built-in project feature that’ll give you a broad overview of projects, pending assets, and insights on asset performances.

How can designers use digital assets management software?

DAM software is compatible with Mac products, Windows – and even mobiles when creating and sharing content on the go. If you want to find out how globaledit’s DAM can elevate your graphic design workflow, chat with us at the bottom of our page and we’ll be happy to share more information.