How to Better Manage Your Video Assets

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Video Director

If you’ve incorporated video marketing into your digital marketing strategy, chances are you’ve already noticed a change in how your users respond to your brand. Not only does a good video hold their attention a little longer, but when done right it brings a user into your world and turns them into brand promoters.

And that’s ultimately what digital marketing is all about, isn’t it?

But keeping up with this trend is about balancing the number of video assets you create with a storage and management platform that can keep up. Because let’s face it, video requires a lot more storage than other forms of content, and the quicker you scale, the bigger the challenge to keep on top of things becomes.

Before your video assets transform into a monster you can’t control, you need to have a system in place that encourages efficiency early on. To help you save time and resources we’ve highlighted a few things you can do to ensure that your video asset management is seamless.

How do you categorize videos?

Losing content can be DAM annoying!

Unfortunately, without developing a system that helps you to correctly categorize the video assets, it’s bound to happen.

To avoid spending countless hours you don’t have looking for a video buried amongst hundreds of others, use metadata tags, labels, and folders to categorize videos – depending on which video asset management software you’re using.

Globaledit’s video asset manager makes your life easier by using metadata tags that are searchable based on time, names, locations, and much more. . With such specific tags, you’d be able to find the exact video you’re looking for, without having to watch the hundreds of videos before it.

Where should I store videos on the computer?

Where you store your videos is just as important as how you store them because it boils down to security, storage space, and accessibility.

You could possibly store them on your hard drive but, due to how large video files can be, storing them there will bring about storage challenges. And we’ve all been victim to the DAM frustration of sluggish PCs that result from an almost full hard drive. The frustration that coffee or even smoke breaks can’t soothe.

So, not only are you constantly moving and compressing video files, but you’re also battling slower production.

Further to that, when a project requires collaboration, security can become a major issue. How do you manage and track what is sent out and to where?

Cloud-based storage specifically for videos provides storage while allowing anyone with an internet connection to access the video assets. That’s not to say that every cloud storage is created equal. To get the most out of your cloud storage, ask the service provider a few questions that may include:

  • Is there a limit to the file size I store at a time?
  • What is the upload speed and,
  • Do you offer video-specific features like media streaming?

How do you organize an asset library?

Organizing an asset library when you’re staring down an intimidating number of assets can be overwhelming. You’ve categorized each of them so now what?

A good place to start is with the most-used video assets. To identify which ones those are, look through which videos are the most requested. If different departments are asking for the same video assets you can regard them as a top priority and start organizing those videos in your asset library first.

After organizing your most important videos, create a customer portal that will allow you to send approved images to distributors. This will save you time searching for images when they’re requested in the future.

Another time-saver to consider will require that you create a one-stop-shop for digital assets by sorting through high and low-res imagery, and pre-defined-sized images for social media, in the different formats that may be requested. By cherry-picking the most popular images, you’ll create an efficient workflow for you and your team.

What is a digital asset management tool?

A digital management tool helps busy creatives store, organize, retrieve and share their digital content from a centralized location. Digital asset management includes more than video asset management but includes everything that your digital content consists of.

Looking for a robust digital and video asset management tool that can handle all of your storage and creative needs in one place? Our video asset management platform allows you not only to store, manage and collaborate on projects but to integrate with your favorite creative tools as well. We understand how much time is wasted clicking between different software and interfaces to complete one project.

After choosing the package that suits your storage needs, you and your team will be able to manage your video assets with an efficient video asset management tool.

Start your free trial today to experience it for yourself!