Tips and Tricks to Using a DAM 

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In today’s hyper-interactive marketing and brand communication space, it’s hard to survive without having a robust Digital Asset Management system (DAM). With all the efficiencies and business benefits it brings, implementing a DAM is not a one-shot job. 

Narrowing down how exactly you can maximize value from a DAM can be daunting, owing to hundreds of use cases a DAM can fulfill. It needs careful considerations to perfect both the initial setup and the subsequent refining and tweaking of the system to your organization’s unique demands.

Let’s look at a few things you can ensure to get it right.

How Should You Manage Your DAM?

Picture this: Your organization has green-lit a shiny new DAM and expects to create a smooth workflow with it. What do you do now? Implementing a DAM will require you to clearly define the ways of working that will guide your team on using and maximizing the system. 

Here are five tips that can help you ensure you’re getting the most out of your DAM:

Define a Workflow

A successful DAM allows you to create highly customized and detailed workflows. With the help of a solution like globaledit’s DAM, you can standardize all the processes underlining every stage of your workflow – from automating project briefs and simplifying collaboration to approving assets and archiving them.

Defining your workflow is the very first and the most critical step in deriving the most value from your DAM.

Control Who Can Access What

When dealing with hundreds or thousands of digital assets, it becomes imperative that users can access only the files that they need. Whenever you’re implementing a new DAM, access controls need to be clearly defined to prevent misuse of assets that can harm your brand consistency in the worst case.

With tools like Collections, you can create custom access rules by mixing and matching user permissions as you like.

Manage Metadata & Taxonomy

Metadata sits at the core of intelligent and instant discovery of assets. But to use it to its full potential, you need to ensure that proper metadata and keywords are being populated for every asset before they’re ingested into the system. Similarly, rules for file names and file locations should be clearly defined.

A DAM admin can be appointed to review whether users are following the rules and send assets back to them in case changes are needed. The DAM admin can also be responsible for initial training of the users and regular review of the defined processes.

Build an Asset Library

Your valuable digital assets are not supposed to be haphazardly dumped on the DAM system. You should utilize albums and folders to organize your assets and make sense of thousands of images and videos.

With globaledit’s Sync and Versioning, you can be rest assured that your assets are automatically ingested during production itself and always remain up-to-date. 

Measure DAM performance

No tool is good enough until you can measure its usefulness. For measuring how successful your DAM system is performing, you need to track metrics like asset performance – where users can score each asset on its usability and relevance – and the speed of approval rounds that quantifies the efficiency of the entire asset lifecycle process.

Harness DAM for Explosive Growth

A DAM provides multiple benefits for your employees, your brand, and the ROI for your business. Harnessing automation to prevent wasted hours, standardization to ensure brand consistency, and streamlined workflows to maximize ROI, a DAM is downright essential if you value scalable growth.

Request a demo with us today to discover how you can enrich your workflows with globaledit.