Why Luxury Brands Must Harness AI to Survive

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The latest news on BOF highlights news on how AI is not only a means of innovation for luxury brands but also is a means of survival.

The article points out, “A.I.-driven cyber- luxury” is the game-changer for luxury brands. Why? For one luxury car brand, 80-90 percent of its digital communications had no relevance at all to its consumers.”  The piece dives into how luxury brands have been notorious for not adopting advanced AI social listening tools in the past. However, luxury brands must now harness adequate machine-learning technology to truly understand their digital audience. The article forwarns, “A decade from now, brands that can’t adapt to using sophisticated digital analytics tools while connecting them to actionable insights won’t survive.”

Luxury brands must think of innovative technology throughout the entire creative content production process from the pre-production to post-production analysis. Globaledit, an automated creative workflow platform, uses robust AI and metadata to slash creative production timelines.

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